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Cultivation and Management of Seedless Pomelo

  Grapefruit is one of the common fruits with rich nutrition. It contains 84.8 grams of water, 57 kilocalories of heat, 43 mg of phosphorus in 100 grams. Moreover, grapefruit can play a role in cosmetology and beauty. It has a high planting value. Now, we summarize several planting methods of Seedless grapefruit, as follows.


Cultivation and Management of Seedless Pomelo

1 Soil requirements
  Grapefruit can be planted as long as the soil layer is deep and the drainage is good, but the sand loam soil is the best. In field management, new young trees need sufficient water and fertilizer. Spraying new lipid membranes can ensure that water on the ground does not evaporate, water on the seedlings does not transpire, isolate diseases and insect pests, shorten the slow seedling period and accelerate root development. Specific requirements of soil depth (60), fertility; soil pH value in 5.5-7.0; orchard landform slope below 25 degrees. The necessary roads, irrigation and drainage, water storage and ancillary construction facilities should be provided in the planning of the garden. In the specific planning, as far as possible to concentrate into pieces, in good traffic and water conditions of the local park. Adult fruiting trees sprayed Huawang 2 (southern product) around the flower bud differentiation stage to promote flower bud differentiation, restraining summer shoot growth, and spraying at the end of autumn to restrain winter shoot sprouting. We should do a good job of deep ploughing and expanding holes, ripening soil, forbidding planting high-stem plants such as maize and wheat in the orchard, and doing a good job of rational Intercropping in the orchard and middle tillage and weeding.
2 Planting Requirements
(1) Time
Generally, it is planted after autumn shoots mature in September-November or before spring shoots germinate in February-March.
(2) Density
The plant spacing was 3 m x 4 m, 55-60 plants per mu were planted.

(3) Planting techniques

   Digging and planting hole: drawing line and fixing distance, digging and planting hole, 80 cm deep and 80 cm wide, then pressing green manure 50 cm deep, backfilling 40 cm high planting; ridging and planting field: 8 meters with furrow (60-80 cm wide, 40-60 cm deep) open compartment, 2 ridges per compartment (ridge width 1.5 m, ridge center distance 4 m, ridge height 20-30 cm). When planting, the roots of seedlings should be pruned moderately and placed in the center of the planting hole, the roots should be stretched, the seedlings should be upgraded gently while filling the soil, so that the roots can be closely connected with the soil. Pour enough fixed-root water and make a 1-metre tray around the seedlings. Cover it with chaff.

3. Planting
  The planting period is usually in spring (February-March) and autumn (September-October). The planting density was 3 x 3.5 m and 60 plants were planted per mu. It is required that the depth and width of large points be 80 cm and 100 cm respectively. Organic fertilizer was applied in combination, and pressure was applied in 2-3 layers. Organic fertilizer is not less than 50 kg and dry fertilizer is 2 kg per hole. After planting, the ridge was dripped with fixed root water, and the ridge was cultivated into a tree tray with a diameter of 60-100 cm and a height of 15-20 cm, then covered with straw.

4 Sapling Management
   Fertilization of young trees should be based on the principle of "diligent application and thin application", and quick-acting fertilizer should be applied 2-3 times a month. And do a good job of Interplanting vegetables or dwarf crops. After two years of planting, the main trunk shape with variable side was adopted, and the methods of supporting, pulling, hanging and spraying were adopted to control the shoots, so as to make the crown ventilated and transparent, and the inner chamber bearing more and stronger branches. According to the growth of trees, ring cutting technology was adopted to increase the nutrient accumulation of shoots and promote early fruiting.

5 Plastic pruning
  Fertilization of young trees should be based on the principle of "diligent application and thin application", and quick-acting fertilizer should be applied 2-3 times a month. And do a good job of Interplanting vegetables or dwarf crops. After two years of planting, the main trunk shape with variable side was adopted, and the methods of supporting, pulling, hanging and spraying were adopted to control the shoots, so as to make the crown ventilated and transparent, and the inner chamber bearing more and stronger branches. According to the growth of trees, ring cutting technology was adopted to increase the nutrient accumulation of shoots and promote early fruiting.

6 Flowering and Fruit Conservation
  When most buds have matchhead size, they begin to sparse flowers. When buds are white, they sparse ears, tails and weak buds. Only 4-5 strong buds are selected in the middle. After the second physiological fruit drop, the deformed fruit was removed, and the fruit with pests and diseases was retained at the ratio of 60-70:1. Fruit protection mainly sprayed 2.4-D5-10PPm or norfloxacin after flowering.

7 Fertilization Management
  Emphasis is placed on organic fertilizer and farm manure. Result trees generally do not use chemical fertilizers, especially chlorine fertilizers. The first fruiting trees (3-4 years) were mainly fertilized three times after harvesting fruit, before sprouting in spring and during the period of growing fruit. Base fertilizer was applied once in August-September after fruit harvesting, mainly farm fertilizer, compound fertilizer and dry fertilizer; quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer was applied before spring shoot germination in February to promote spring shoot growth; strong fruit fertilizer was applied once in early June, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, to promote fruit expansion and shoot growth.
(1) Fertilization Principles
We should fully meet the needs of blood orange for various nutrients, and advocate the application of organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer and formula fertilizer. According to the results of leaf analysis, orchard soil analysis and blood orange phenophase, fertilization was guided.
(2) Fertilization methods
Soil fertilization was the main method, combined with foliar fertilization. The methods of ring ditch, strip ditch, hole and soil fertilization were used.
Fertilizer application for young trees: diligent and thin application, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, combined with application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, springtime, summer and autumn shoot sprouting period fertilization 5-6 times, (3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12 months, each plant application of 0.4 kg of ammonium carbide or 0.2 kg of urea. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be 1.0: (0.4-0.5): 1.0. Adult trees should be fertilized four times, namely germination fertilizer, fruit-preserving fertilizer, strong fruit fertilizer and fruit-picking fertilizer. Fertilizer amount is generally 2-3 kg germinating fertilizer, a load of manure water; 1-2 kg phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, 1-2 kg strong fruit fertilizer, 1-2 kg phosphorus and potassium fertilizer; fruit-picking fertilizer (base fertilizer) is mainly organic fertilizer, 50-100 kg organic fertilizer and 1-2 kg chemical fertilizer per plant.
Water is irrigated when the soil is dry and drained when water is accumulated.


Contact: Mr. Ma

Phone: +86-13333670044

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Add: Fine Chemical Industry Park, Jianan District, Xuchang, Henan, China