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Onion sowing and seedling management

Onion is a kind of rhizome vegetable, which is rich in nutrients and can be planted in most areas of common vegetable varieties. In recent years, many places have been planted extensively, and good economic, social and environmental benefits have been achieved. Next, we will learn about onion planting management methods and technical points.

Onion sowing and seedling management

1. Sowing and seedling management of onion

  The sowing time is in the first and middle of September, and the seedling age is 50-60 days. Sowing method is mainly sowing, but also trench sowing. The amount of seed used is 5-6 grams per square metre, and 100-150 grams per 15 hectares of field is cold. Watering sole water before sowing, seedling can emerge 7-8 days after sowing. After seedling emergence, the seedling should be 3 cm apart. Attention should be paid to the control of pests and weeds.

2. How to Fertilize Onion Planting

  Onion root system is shallow, like fertilizer and water, should choose soil fertility, water and fertilizer conservation performance of good soil planting. Every 1/15 hectare of high-quality decomposed organic fertilizer 4000-5000 kg (organic fertilizer is best sterilized treatment), potassium sulfate compound fertilizer 75-100 kg, urea 30 kg, evenly spread on the ground, and then plough, tillage depth 20-25 cm, to intensive cultivation and fine raking, so that the soil is not bright or dark rough. After land preparation, the ridge width is 30-40 cm, the ridge width is 180 cm, and the planting bandwidth is 210-220 cm. Every 1/15 hectare of soil is sprinkled with 1 kilogram of Dewormnet, which is crushed. Spraying 100 - 150 ml per 1/15 hectare, and finally covering with plastic film.

3. Field management of onions

  When the soil freezes day and night, pour frozen water to prevent frost damage. In late March and early April, combined with fertilization, green water was irrigated, 1/15 hectares of urea 15 kg and potassium sulfate 15-20 kg were topdressed. When bulbs begin to swell, water is poured, urea 8-10 kg and potassium sulfate 15 kg are topdressed on 1/15 hectare, and micro-fertilizer can also be sprayed. Diseases and insect pests should be timely controlled.

4. Harvest in time

  No chemical fertilizer or pesticide is allowed to be applied 20 days before harvest. When one third of the onion leaves are yellow and the pseudostem is soft, it should be harvested in good time and in sunny days. Collision is strictly prohibited at harvest time, and timely air drying is carried out to avoid direct sunlight as far as possible, and then graded packaging.


Contact: Mr. Ma

Phone: +86-13333670044

Tel: +86-13333670044

Email: [email protected]

Add: Fine Chemical Industry Park, Jianan District, Xuchang, Henan, China