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In the autumn and winter of 2019, fruit trees, vegetables, and tea trees use fertilizer.

   In order to strengthen the scientific fertilization guidance for the main crops in autumn and winter, improve the efficiency of fertilizer utilization, and promote farmers' income and green development of agriculture. The Agricultural and Rural Department Plantation Management Department and the National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center Agricultural and Rural Ministry Scientific Fertilization Guidance Expert Group based on the characteristics of the main crops in autumn and winter, based on the results of the soil testing and fertilization project, combined with the scientific fertilization model, research and development instructions.

Fruit tree

(a) Apple

Fertilization principle

In view of the insufficient amount of organic fertilizer input in apple production, some orchards have poor site conditions, soil compaction, poor gas permeability, weak water and fertilizer retention capacity, and high use of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in intensive orchards. The acidification of soil in Jiaodong and Liaodong orchards is common, and the deficiency of medium and trace elements calcium, magnesium and boron occurs frequently; the shortage of iron, zinc and boron in orchards in calcareous soil areas is common. In some areas, fruit farmers have insufficient understanding of the base fertilizer and the number and proportion of nitrogen fertilizer applied in the spring and summer fruit expansion period, and the following fertilization principles are proposed:

(1) Adding organic fertilizer and promoting organic and inorganic application; according to soil fertility conditions and yield level, appropriately reducing the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, applying NPK fertilizer according to tree potential and yield level; paying attention to silicon, calcium, magnesium and boron Combined with zinc;

(2) Strengthen the soil management of orchards, implement advanced cultivation methods such as grass gardening and ridges, and adopt cultivation and management techniques such as water and fertilizer integration and drooping fruit branch pruning;

(3) Orchards in which soil acidification occurs can be improved by applying silicon calcium magnesium potash or lime.

2. Fertilization advice

Early-maturing varieties, or soils with fertile soil, or small age, or strong tree-bearing orchards, 3 to 4 square meters per mu plus bio-organic fertilizer 100 kg/mu; late-maturing varieties, or thin soils, or large trees, or tree potentials The weak orchard applies farmer's fertilizer 4 to 5 square meters/mu plus bio-organic fertilizer 150 kg/mu.

(1) Orchard with an output of more than 4,500 kg per mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) 15 to 25 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 7.5 to 12.5 kg/mu, potash fertilizer (K2O) 15 to 25 kg/mu; or 17-10-18 Compound fertilizer 100~120 kg/mu;

(2) Orchard with an yield of 3,500 to 4,500 kg per mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) 10 to 20 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 5 to 10 kg/mu, potash fertilizer (K2O) 10 to 20 kg/mu; or 17-10- 18 compound fertilizer 80 ~ 100 kg / acre;

(3) Orchards with an yield of less than 3,500 kg per mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) 10-15 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 5-10 kg/mu, potash fertilizer (K2O) 10-15 kg/mu; or 17-10-18 Compound fertilizer 60 ~ 80 kg / mu.

It is recommended that the application of silicon, calcium, magnesium and potassium fertilizers in large trees during the fruiting period is 80-100 kg/mu. The orchard with zinc, boron and calcium in the soil should be applied with zinc sulfate 1~1.5kg/mu, borax 0.5~1.0kg/mu, calcium nitrate 20kg/mu, mixed with organic fertilizer and then from mid-September to October. Mid-application (late application of early-maturing varieties before and after fruit picking); fertilization method using acupoint application or ditch application, the depth of the hole or ditch is about 40 cm, and each tree is 3 to 4 (bar).

Fertilizer is applied in 3 to 4 times (4 times in late-maturing varieties), the first time from mid-September to mid-October (as early as possible before and after harvesting of late-maturing varieties), combined with application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on organic fertilizer and silicon calcium, magnesium and potassium fertilizers. The dosage is 40% of the total fertilizer, and the proportion of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer is appropriately increased. The second time is carried out in the middle of April of the next year, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer; the third time is carried out before and after fruit bagging in early June of the next year, according to the condition of nitrogen and phosphorus. Potassium combined application, increase the amount of potassium fertilizer; the fourth time in the coming year from late July to mid-August, according to rainfall, tree potential and yield situation, a small number of methods, mainly potassium fertilizer, with a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer.

From the end of October to the middle of November, three times of high-concentration urea, borax and zinc sulfate foliar fertilizer were continuously sprayed for the purpose of increasing storage nutrition. The first time began to spray 0.5 ~ 1.0% urea at the end of October, after the second day sprayed 2.0 ~ 3.0% urea + 0.5% borax + 1.0 ~ 2.0% zinc sulfate, and then sprayed the third time after 5.0 days was 5.0 ~ 7.0% Urea + 0.5% borax + 5.0 ~ 6.0% zinc sulfate, the concentration of the third pass is based on the degree of senescence of the leaves, the higher the aging degree, the lower the concentration.

(two) citrus

Fertilization principle

In view of the neglect of organic fertilizer application and soil improvement and fertilization in citrus production, the area of thin orchard is large, soil water retention and fertilizer retention capacity is weak; the amount of fertilizer used by farmers is large, the fertilizer dosage and ratio, fertilization period and method are unreasonable; - Shonan-Guibei citrus belt, Zhejiang-Yu-Yue citrus belt soil acidification is serious, medium and trace elements calcium, magnesium and boron are generally lacking. Some soils in the upper and middle citrus belts of the Yangtze River are alkaline, and zinc, iron, boron and magnesium are scarce. There are problems such as the occurrence of low fertilizer utilization, and the following fertilization principles are proposed:

(1) Adding organic fertilizers, vigorously developing orchard green manure, and implementing orchard grass cover;

(2) Southern acidified orchard, with an appropriate amount of alkaline conditioning agent for improvement;

(3) According to the citrus yield level and soil fertility status of orchard, optimize the amount of NPK fertilizer, ratio and fertilization period, appropriately reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer, and specifically supplement the trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc and iron;

(4) Fertilization method is changed to the whole garden for application as a concentrated point or ditch, and the organic fertilizer in autumn should be applied deeply;

(5) Combining fertilization with water management and green yield increase and efficiency cultivation techniques, conditional orchards advocate the use of water and fertilizer integration technology.

2. Fertilization advice

(1) Apply 2 to 4 square meters of farmyard manure per acre, or 300 to 500 kg of commercial organic fertilizer (including bio-organic fertilizer); orchards with weak tree or low fertility. All organic fertilizers are best applied in the autumn, and deep application is carried out by ditching or digging.

(2) Orchards with an output of less than 1500 kg per mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) 10-15 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 5-7 kg/mu, potash fertilizer (K2O) 8-13 kg/mu. Orchard with an output of 1500-3000 kg per mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) 15-20 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 6-8 kg/mu, potash fertilizer (K2O) 13-18 kg/mu; orchard with an output of more than 3000 kg per mu. Nitrogen fertilizer (N) 20 ~ 25 kg / mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 8 ~ 10 kg / mu, potassium fertilizer (K2O) 18 ~ 23 kg / mu.

(3) Fertilizer is applied in 3 to 4 times, the first is autumn base fertilizer, 9 to 11 months (late mature varieties are best applied in September, other varieties are applied before and after fruit picking) 20% to 30% nitrogen fertilizer, 40% ~50% phosphate fertilizer, 20%-30% potassium fertilizer application; the second is spring fertilization, before the germination from February to March, 30% to 40% of nitrogen fertilizer, 30% to 40% of phosphate fertilizer, 20%~ 30% potash; in May, according to the condition of fruit, apply steady fruit fertilizer; the third time is summer fertilization, in the fruit expansion period from June to August, 30% to 40% of nitrogen fertilizer, 20% to 30% of phosphate fertilizer, 40% ~ 50% potash.

(4) Targeted application of trace element fertilizer. The citrus orchard with calcium and magnesium deficiency is applied in the autumn with calcium and magnesium phosphate 25-50 kg/mu mixed with organic fertilizer; the southern acid mountain orchard with severe calcium and magnesium deficiency is applied with calcium nitrate 20 kg/mu from May to July. And magnesium sulfate is about 10 kg/mu. In the citrus orchard with boron deficiency and zinc, 1 to 1.5 kg of zinc sulfate and 0.5 to 1.0 kg of borax per acre are applied before the spring germination. For orchards with a soil pH < 5.0, apply silicon-calcium fertilizer or lime 50-100 kg per acre.

(three) pear

Fertilization principle

For the production of pears, the application of organic fertilizer is less, the soil organic matter content is lower, the input of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer is large, the utilization rate is low, the input of medium and trace elements is less, the fertilization period, the fertilization method, the fertilizer ratio are unreasonable, and the soil and calcium of iron in pear garden The lack of trace elements in zinc, boron, etc., especially the lack of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium in the pear orchards in the south, and the serious acidification of the soil, propose the following principles of fertilization:

(1) Increasing the application of organic fertilizer, implementing green manure in the orchard, covering the straw, and fertilizing the soil; applying lime and organic fertilizer to improve the orchard with serious soil acidification;

(2) According to the soil fertility conditions of pear garden and the growth status of pear trees, appropriately reduce the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, apply potassium fertilizer in an appropriate amount, and supplement trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and boron through various ways;

(3) Combine the green yield-increasing and efficient cultivation techniques, the yield level and the soil fertility conditions, and determine the fertilizer application period, dosage and nutrient distribution ratio;

(4) Optimize the fertilization method, change the application to the strip application or point application, reasonably cooperate with irrigation and fertilization, and adjust the fertilizer with water.

2. Fertilization advice

(1) According to the production level, the amount of organic fertilizer and NPK fertilizer is initially determined. Orchard with an output of more than 4,000 kg per mu, organic fertilizer 3 to 4 square meters/mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) 20 to 25 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 8 to 12 kg/mu, potassium fertilizer (K2O) 15 to 25 kg/mu; Orchard with an output of 2000-4000 kg per mu, organic fertilizer 2~3 square/mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) 15-20 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 8-12 kg/mu, potash fertilizer (K2O) 15-20 kg/mu Orchard with an output of less than 2000 kg, 2 to 3 square meters per mu of organic fertilizer, 10 to 15 kg/mu of nitrogen fertilizer (N), 8 to 12 kg/mu of phosphate fertilizer (P2O5), and 10 to 15 kg/mu of potassium fertilizer (K2O) .

(2) For the orchard where the soil calcium and magnesium are lacking, the phosphate fertilizer should be calcium or magnesium phosphate, or the appropriate amount of calcium and magnesium fertilizer; the orchard lacking iron, zinc and boron can be sprayed through the foliar concentration of 0.3% to 0.5%. The ferrous sulfate, 0.3% zinc sulfate, and 0.2% to 0.5% borax are corrected. According to the application amount of organic fertilizer, increase or decrease the amount of nitrogen and potassium in the fertilizer as appropriate.

(3) All organic fertilizers, more than 70% (or all) of phosphate fertilizer, 50% to 60% of nitrogen fertilizer, and 40% of potassium fertilizer as base fertilizer, applied after pear harvesting, and the remaining nitrogen fertilizer (40% to 50%) and phosphate fertilizer (30%) The following) and potassium fertilizer (60%) are applied in the germination period in March and the fruit expansion period in June-July, respectively. According to the strength of the pear tree, the number and dosage of topdressing can be appropriately increased or decreased.

(four) peach

Fertilization principle

In view of the large difference in fertilizer application rate, the amount of fertilizer, the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, the fertilization period and methods are unreasonable, neglecting the problems of fertilization and irrigation coordination, the following fertilization principles are proposed:

(1) Reasonably increase the application rate of organic fertilizers, and promote the application of organic and inorganic fertilizers; according to soil fertility, early, late maturing varieties and yield levels, rationally regulate the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer application, the amount of fertilizer needed for early maturing varieties is generally 15% to 30 less than that of late-maturing varieties. %; At the same time, pay attention to the combined application of trace elements in calcium, iron, magnesium, boron, zinc or copper fertilizer;

(2) Reasonable distribution of fertilizer, it is appropriate to carry out the autumn base fertilizer about one month after the peach fruit is harvested, and the peach fruit expansion period is a key period of topdressing;

(3) Combined with the technology of increasing yield and increasing efficiency, it is not advisable to apply nitrogen fertilizer and large amount of irrigation for 3 weeks before picking, so as not to affect the quality; in the plain area where the drainage is not smooth in summer, the ridge, mulch, grass and other soils should be well prepared. Management work; arid areas advocate the use of plastic film covering, hole storage fertilizer technology.

2. Fertilization advice

(1) According to the production level, the amount of organic fertilizer and NPK fertilizer is initially determined. The production level is above 3000 kg/mu, the organic fertilizer is 2~3 square/mu, the nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 18-20 kg/mu, the phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 8-10 kg/mu, and the potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 20-22 kg/mu; The production level is 2000-3000 kg/mu, organic fertilizer is 1-2 square meters/mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 15-18 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 7-9 kg/mu, and potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 18-20 kg/mu. The production level is 1500-2000 kg/mu, organic fertilizer is 1-2 square meters/mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 12-15 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 5-8 kg/mu, and potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 15-18 kg/ mu.

(2) For the orchard with early defoliation or high yield in the previous year, the top dressing should be strengthened. 2 to 3 times of urea can be sprayed 2 to 3 times before germination. After germination, before mid-July, press twice regularly. Urea is sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate once, and the concentration of potassium dihydrogen phosphate is 0.3% to 0.5%. The medium and trace elements are recommended to adopt the management strategy of “supplemental deficiency” and corrective application. In the case of micronutrient deficiency, it is corrected by foliar application.

(3) If the amount of organic fertilizer applied is large, the nitrogen and potassium fertilizer applied in the autumn of the year may be reduced by 1 to 2 kg/mu as appropriate, and the amount of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer in the fruit expansion period may be reduced by 2 to 3 kg/mu as appropriate.

(4) All organic fertilizers, 30% to 40% nitrogen fertilizer, 40% to 50% phosphate fertilizer, 20% to 30% potassium fertilizer as base fertilizer, applied by ditching method in autumn after peach picking; the remaining 60% to 70% nitrogen fertilizer And 50% to 60% phosphate fertilizer, 70% to 80% potassium fertilizer in the spring peach germination stage, hard core stage and fruit expansion period, respectively (first-time varieties 1 to 2 times, medium-late varieties 2 to 4 times); In the peach orchard with severe frost damage and reduced yield in spring, it is necessary to increase the amount of fertilizer used in autumn and winter.

(5) Banana

Fertilization principle

In view of the widespread neglect of organic fertilizer application and soil fertility in banana production, the lack of trace elements such as calcium, magnesium and boron, the insufficient total fertilizer and excess phenomenon, and the re-application of potassium fertilizer but the time is too late, the following fertilization principles are proposed:

(1) Fertilization is based on the principle of “reasonable distribution of fertilizers and key application during key periods”;

(2) NPK combined application, rational distribution of fertilizer according to growth period, increase fertilizer dosage after flower bud differentiation period, pay attention to potassium fertilizer application, increase calcium and magnesium fertilizer, supplement lack of trace element nutrients;

(3) Fertilization combined with irrigation, and water and fertilizer integration technology is adopted in conditional places;

(4) Add lime to adjust soil pH during soil preparation, and supplement soil calcium nutrition and kill harmful bacteria.

2. Fertilization advice

(1) The banana plantation with an output of more than 5,000 kg per mu depends on the type of organic fertilizer, the traditional organic fertilizer is 1000-3000 kg/mu, and the amount of decomposed livestock manure does not exceed 1000 kg/mu. Nitrogen fertilizer (N) 45 ~ 50 kg / mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 15 ~ 20 kg / mu, potassium fertilizer (K2O) 70 ~ 80 kg / mu;

(2) The banana plantation with an output of 3,000 to 5,000 kg per mu, the traditional organic fertilizer is 1000-2000 kg/mu, and the amount of decomposed poultry manure does not exceed 1000 kg/mu. Nitrogen fertilizer (N) 30 ~ 45 kg / acre, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 8 ~ 12 kg / acre, potassium fertilizer (K2O) 50 ~ 60 kg / acre;

(3) The banana plantation with an output of less than 3,000 kg per mu: the traditional organic fertilizer is 1000-1500 kg/mu, and the amount of decomposed poultry manure does not exceed 1000 kg/mu. Nitrogen fertilizer (N) 18 ~ 25 kg / mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 6 ~ 8 kg / mu, potassium fertilizer (K2O) 30 ~ 45 kg / mu.

According to soil acidity, apply 40-80 kg of lime per acre before planting, 25-30 kg of magnesium sulfate, and mix it with organic fertilizer; orchard lacking boron and zinc, apply borax 0.3-0.5 kg per acre, zinc sulfate heptahydrate 0.8 to 1.0 kg.

Before the banana seedlings are planted and lived until the flower buds are differentiated, about 20% of the total fertilizer, 50% of the phosphate fertilizer and 20% of the potash fertilizer are applied; before the flower bud differentiation period, before the buds, about 45% of the total fertilization amount is applied. % phosphate fertilizer and 50% potassium fertilizer; 35% nitrogen fertilizer, 20% phosphate fertilizer and 30% potassium fertilizer were applied after the bud. In the early stage, water-soluble fertilizer or solid fertilizer can be applied. From the flower bud differentiation stage, the application should be applied to the ditch or the hole, and the fertilization should be carried out 7 to 10 times.

(6) Northern Grapes

Fertilization principle

In view of the low soil organic matter content of vineyards, the general lack of magnesium, iron, zinc and calcium, the high fertilization rate, the unreasonable fertilizer ratio, and the lack of targeted application of foliar fertilizer, the following fertilization principles are proposed:

(1) Pay attention to the application of organic fertilizers, rationally regulate the application quantity of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers according to soil fertility, early, late maturing varieties and yield levels; rationally allocate the proportion of base fertilizer according to the characteristics of nutrient demand during growth period, adjust according to grape varieties, growth, climate and other factors Fertilization plan;

(2) Strong acidification of soil orchard, appropriate application of lime, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer to regulate soil pH and supplement corresponding nutrients;

(3) Targeted application of medium-level elemental fertilizer to prevent physiological diseases;

(4) Combining fertilization with cultivation management measures. The water-fertilizer integrated grape orchard follows a small number of irrigation fertilization principles.

2. Fertilization advice

(1) Orchards with an output of more than 2000 kg per mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) 35-40 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 20-25 kg/mu, potash fertilizer (K2O) 20-25 kg/mu;

(2) Orchard with an output of 1500-2000 kg per mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) 25-35 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 10-15 kg/mu, potash fertilizer (K2O) 15-20 kg/mu;

(3) Orchards with an output of less than 1500 kg per mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) 20-25 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 10-15 kg/mu, potash fertilizer (K2O) 10-15 kg/mu.

For orchards lacking boron, zinc, magnesium and calcium, correspondingly apply zinc sulfate 1~1.5 kg/mu, borax 1-2 kg/mu, potassium sulfate magnesium fertilizer 5-10 kg/mu, and superphosphate 50 kg/mu. Mix with organic fertilizer and apply it from mid-September to mid-October (as early as possible after late-harvesting fruit picking); the fertilization method is applied by acupoint application or ditch, and the depth of the hole or groove is about 40 cm.

Organic fertilizer is suitable for the application of base fertilizer (autumn fertilizer, winter fertilizer). It is necessary to select fully decomposed manure or compost for livestock and poultry. It is strictly forbidden to apply semi-fertilized organic fertilizer or even manure. The dosage is 15~20 kg/plant. The fertilization method can be applied by ditch or strip, and the depth is about 40 cm. The trace element fertilizer should be mixed with the decomposed organic fertilizer and then applied together.

Fertilizer is generally applied in 4 stages, the first time from mid-September to mid-October (as early as possible after late-harvest varieties), 20% nitrogen fertilizer, 20% phosphate fertilizer, based on application of organic fertilizer and boron zinc calcium-magnesium fertilizer, 10% potash fertilizer; the second time in the middle of April of the next year (after the grapes were unearthed), the application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, 30% nitrogen fertilizer, 20% phosphate fertilizer, 10% potash fertilizer; the third time before and after the fruit bagging in early June of the coming year Carry out, according to the situation of fruit retention, increase the amount of weight loss materials, generally apply 40% nitrogen fertilizer, 40% phosphate fertilizer, 20% potassium fertilizer; the fourth time from late July to mid-August, 10% nitrogen fertilizer, 20% phosphate fertilizer, 60% Potassium fertilizer, according to rainfall, tree potential and fruit set, appropriate adjustment of fertilizer dosage, the general principle is based on potassium fertilizer, with a small amount of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer. In the rainy season, the fertilizer can be applied in several shallow trenches (10-15 cm).

Apply 0.3% to 0.5% of high-quality borax solution before flowering to the initial flowering stage; spray 3 to 4 times of high-quality potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution after fruit setting to maturity before planting; Apply 0.3% to 0.5% of high quality calcium nitrate or amino acid calcium fertilizer.

The field using integrated cultivation of water and fertilizer, before germination to flowering, topdressing balanced compound fertilizer (N:P2O5:K2O=1:1:1) 8-10 kg/mu, topdressing once every 10 days, a total of 3 Second time; topdressing at flowering stage, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer (N:P2O5:K2O=2:1:1), application of 5-7 kg/mu, supplemented with foliar spray of boron, calcium and magnesium fertilizer; fruit expansion period Focus on topdressing nitrogen and potassium fertilizers (N:P2O5:K2O=3:2:4) 25-30 kg/mu, topdressing every 10 days, a total of 9-12 times of topdressing; high potassium compound fertilizer in the coloring period (N : P2O5: K2O = 1: 1: 3) 5 ~ 6 kg / mu, topdressing every 7 days, foliar spray application of supplemental trace elements. The total amount of NPK input is controlled by nitrogen fertilizer (N) of 28-35 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) of 18-22 kg/mu, and potassium fertilizer (K2O) of 25-30 kg/mu.

(7) Facilities Strawberry

Fertilization principle

In view of the short growth period of strawberry, large fertilizer requirement, low salt tolerance and serious pests and diseases, the following fertilization principles are proposed:

(1) Pay attention to the application of organic fertilizers, apply high-quality organic fertilizers, and reduce soil pests and diseases;

(2) Fertilize according to the growth period, rationally mix with NPK fertilizer, adjust the fertilization plan according to factors such as strawberry varieties and growth;

(3) using suitable fertilization methods for targeted application of trace element fertilizers;

(4) Fertilization combined with other management measures, conditional water and fertilizer integrated planting mode can be used, followed by a small number of multiple fertigation principles.

2. Fertilization advice

(1) More than 2000 kg per mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) 18-20 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 10-12 kg/mu, potassium fertilizer (K2O) 15-20 kg/mu;

(2) 1500-2000 kg per mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) 15-18 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 8-10 kg/mu, potassium fertilizer (K2O) 12-15 kg/mu;

(3) The yield per mu is less than 1500 kg, the nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 13-16 kg/mu, the phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 5-8 kg/mu, and the potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 10-12 kg/mu.

In the conventional fertilization mode, the fertilizer is applied in 3 to 4 times. The application of base fertilizer accounted for 20% of the total fertilization amount, and the topdressing fertilizer was applied at the seedling stage, the initial flowering stage and the fruit picking stage respectively, and the proportion of fertilization accounted for 20%, 30% and 30% of the total fertilization amount, respectively.

The field using the integrated fertilization mode of water and fertilizer, based on the base of high-quality decomposed organic fertilizer 3~5 square/mu, the first top dressing in the bud stage, focusing on topdressing phosphate fertilizer (N:P2O5:K2O=1:5: 1) Apply 2~3 kg/mu with water every 10 days; second top dressing after flowering (N:P2O5:K2O=1:5:1), apply 2~3 kg/mu with water every 10 days The third top dressing in the fruit expansion period, focusing on the application of potassium fertilizer (N: P2O5: K2O = 2: 1: 6), every 2 days with the application of water 2 ~ 3 kg / acre. Before each fertilization, water is applied for 20 minutes, then fertilization is carried out. After the fertilization is finished, water is poured for 30 minutes to prevent drip irrigation.

The orchard with zinc deficiency, boron and calcium in the soil should be applied with 0.5 to 1 kg/mu of zinc sulfate, 0.5 to 1 kg/mu of borax, and 0.3 to 3 times of calcium chloride sprayed on the foliage.


(1) Cabbage

Fertilization principle

There are large differences in the application rates of organic fertilizers in different fields in the production of sweet potato, the phenomenon of blind application of nitrogen fertilizer is serious, the application of potassium fertilizer is insufficient, the phenomenon of “heavy mass elements, light and medium elements” is common, the application period and mode are unreasonable, and excessive irrigation Water and fertilizer waste are common problems, and water and fertilizer integration technologies are applied in places where conditions permit.

(1) Rational application of organic fertilizer, organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer application, the application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should follow the principles of nitrogen control, phosphorus stabilization and potassium increase;

(2) Fertilizer application should be combined with fertilizer and topdressing, and topdressing should be based on nitrogen and potassium fertilizer;

(3) Pay attention to proper application of trace elements such as calcium and boron during the rosette period to the end of the ball to prevent the occurrence of physiological diseases such as “dry heartburn”;

(4) When soil acidification is serious, an appropriate amount of acidic soil conditioner such as lime should be applied;

(5) Combine with high-yield cultivation techniques, especially water-saving irrigation technology, to give full play to the coupling effect of water and fertilizer and improve fertilizer utilization.

2. Fertilization advice

(1) Applying high-quality farmyard manure 4 square meters/mu at a time;

(2) The output level is above 5500 kg/mu, the nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 12-14 kg/mu, the phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 5-8 kg/mu, and the potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 12-14 kg/mu;

(3) The production level is 4500-5500 kg/mu, the nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 10-12 kg/mu, the phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 4-5 kg/mu, and the potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 10-12 kg/mu;

(4) The production level is lower than 4500 kg/mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 8-10 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 3~4 kg/mu, and potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 8-10 kg/mu.

For the plots where the "dry heartburn" occurred in previous years, pay attention to nitrogen and calcium supplementation, and apply 0.3% to 0.5% calcium chloride solution or calcium nitrate solution 2 to 3 times during the rosette period to the late stage of the ball formation; When the soil pH of the vegetable garden in the south is less than 5, it is advisable to apply 100-150 kg of quicklime per acre before the soil preparation; when the soil pH is <4.5, 150-200 kg of quicklime is applied per acre. For the boron-deficient plots, 0.5 to 1 kg/mu of borax may be applied, or 0.2% to 0.3% of borax solution may be sprayed 2 to 3 times. At the same time, it can be sprayed with spraying 2 to 3 times of 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate to increase the vegetable yield and commercial rate of cabbage.

Nitrogen and potassium fertilizer 30% ~ 40% base application, 60% ~ 70% in the rosette period and the beginning of the ball is divided into two times, pay attention to the application of potassium fertilizer in the early stage of the ball, the phosphate fertilizer is used as the base fertilizer or acupoint application.

(two) radish

Fertilization principle

In view of the diazo phosphate fertilizer light potassium fertilizer, NPK ratio, the irrational application period of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, the insufficient application of organic fertilizer, and the insufficient attention paid to the application of trace elements, the following fertilization principles are proposed:

(1) According to the soil fertility conditions and target yield, optimize the amount of NPK fertilizer, pay special attention to moderately reduce the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, and increase the application of potassium fertilizer;

(2) The content of trace elements such as manganese, zinc, boron and molybdenum in the calcareous soil in the north is low, and the supplement of trace elements should be paid attention to; when the acidification of vegetables in the south is serious, the acid soil conditioner such as lime should be applied in an appropriate amount;

(3) Rational application of organic fertilizers to increase radish yield and improve quality, avoid the use of organic fertilizers that are not fully decomposed, and promote the application of commercial organic fertilizers and decomposed farmyard manure.

2. Fertilization advice

(1) The amount of organic fertilizer applied, small radish (such as four season radish) with a production level of 1000-1500 kg/mu can be applied 0.5~1 square/mu of organic fertilizer; high-yield varieties with a production level of 4500-5000 kg/mu Fertilizer 3 ~ 4 square / mu or commercial organic fertilizer 100 ~ 150 kg / acre;

(2) The production level is above 4000 kg/mu, the nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 10-12 kg/mu, the phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 4-6 kg/mu, and the potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 10-13 kg/mu;

(3) The production level is 2500-4000 kg/mu, the nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 6-10 kg/mu, the phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 3-5 kg/mu, and the potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 8-10 kg/mu;

(4) The production level is 1000-2500 kg/mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) 4-6 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 2~4 kg/mu, and potassium fertilizer (K2O) 5-8 kg/mu.

For plots that are prone to trace element boron deficiency, or those that have been shown to have boron deficiency symptoms in previous years, 1 kg of borax per acre may be applied before sowing, or 0.1% to 0.5% of borax may be used in the middle and late stages of radish growth. The boric acid aqueous solution is sprayed on the foliar surface, and sprayed once every 5 to 6 days, and sprayed 2 to 3 times.

The base fertilizer applied all organic fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, and 40% of the total amount of nitrogen fertilizer and potassium fertilizer; 60% of the total nitrogen fertilizer applied in the top dressing was applied twice in the rosette period and the fleshy root growth period. 60% of the total potassium fertilizer was mainly in the meat quality. Root growth and early expansion period.

(3) Chinese cabbage

Fertilization principle

In view of blindly applying nitrogen fertilizer in Chinese cabbage production, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer was too large, the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was unreasonable, the application of high-phosphorus compound fertilizer was blindly applied, the application of organic fertilizer in some areas was insufficient, and the acidification of vegetable soil was serious. in principle: 

(1) Optimize the amount of NPK fertilizer according to soil fertility conditions and target yield;

(2) Based on base fertilizer, combined with base fertilizer and topdressing. Topdressing is mainly based on nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, and appropriate supplementation of trace elements. After the rosette period, strengthen the management of topdressing. In the early stage of the package, it is necessary to increase the topdressing fertilizer. It is not suitable to trace the nitrogen fertilizer two weeks before harvesting;

(3) The effective boron in the northern calcareous soil and the effective molybdenum and other trace elements in the soil with large acidity in the south are low, and attention should be paid to the supplement of trace elements;

(4) When soil acidification is serious, an appropriate amount of acidic soil conditioner such as lime should be applied;

(5) Avoid using organic fertilizer that is not fully decomposed, and advocate the application of commercial organic fertilizer and fertile farmyard manure to fertilize the soil.

2. Fertilization advice

(1) The production level is 4500-6000 kg/mu, the application of organic fertilizer is 4 square meters/mu; the nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 10-13 kg/mu, the phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 4-6 kg/mu, and the potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 13-15 kg. /mu;

(2) The production level is 3500-4500 kg/mu, the organic fertilizer is 3~4 square/mu; the nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 8-10 kg/mu, the phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 3~4 kg/mu, and the potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 10~ 13 kg / mu.

For plots that are prone to trace element boron deficiency or have been deficient in boron in previous years, 1 kg of borax may be applied per acre before planting, or 0.1% to 0.5% of borax or boric acid aqueous solution may be used in the middle and late growth stages. Spraying, spraying every 5 to 6 days, even spraying 2 to 3 times; Chinese cabbage is a calcium-loving crop, in addition to the basic calcium-containing fertilizer (superphosphate), it can also be applied by foliar supplementation. 0.3% to 0.5% calcium chloride or calcium nitrate. When the soil pH of the southern vegetable field is less than 5, 100-150 kg of quicklime is required per acre to reduce soil acidity and calcium supplementation.

All organic fertilizers and phosphate fertilizers were used as base fertilizers by means of strip application or acupoint application, 30% of nitrogen fertilizer was used as base fertilizer, and 70% were applied as top dressing in combination with irrigation in the rosette stage and the pre-balloon stage respectively; pay attention to the application of potash fertilizer in the early stage of the core. About 50% of the total potassium application.

(4) Lettuce

Fertilization principle

In view of the problems of low application rate of organic fertilizer in lettuce production, blind application of nitrogen fertilizer, insufficient application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, unreasonable fertilization period and methods, the following fertilization principles are proposed:

(1) Adding organic fertilizer, controlling nitrogen fertilizer, and increasing potassium fertilizer;

(2) Fertilizer distribution is based on base fertilizer and topdressing. Topdressing is mainly based on nitrogen fertilizer, and rational application of potassium fertilizer;

(3) For acidified vegetable gardens, acid soil conditioners such as lime should be applied in an appropriate amount;

(4) Fertilization combined with high-quality cultivation techniques, especially water management, to improve the efficiency of fertilizer and water use.

2. Fertilization advice

(1) One-time application of decomposed farmyard manure from base fertilizer to 1000-1500 kg/mu;

(2) The production level is more than 3,500 kg/mu, nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 10 to 12 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 4 to 6 kg/mu, and potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 10 to 14 kg/mu;

(3) The production level is 2500-3500 kg/mu, the nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 6-10 kg/mu, the phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 3~4 kg/mu, and the potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 8-10 kg/mu;

(4) The production level is 1500-2500 kg/mu, the nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 5-6 kg/mu, the phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 2~3 kg/mu, and the potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 6-8 kg/mu.

The acid resistance of lettuce is poor. When the soil pH of the vegetable garden in the south is less than 5, 150 to 200 kg of quicklime is applied per acre.

Nitrogen fertilizers are all topdressed, according to 20%, 30% and 50%, respectively, in the transplanting and returning stage, the rosette stage and the early stage of rapid growth, 40% to 50% of the potassium fertilizer, the rest in the rosette stage and the early stage of rapid growth. After two times of application, the phosphate fertilizer is used as a base fertilizer or a hole.

(5) Facility tomato

Fertilization principle

Most of the northern regions such as North China are solar greenhouses. Most of the central and southwestern regions are small and medium-sized arch sheds. The amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers used in production is high, the proportion of nutrient input is unreasonable, soil nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrient accumulation is obvious, and excessive irrigation leads to serious nutrient loss. Soil acidification is common, soil calcium, magnesium, boron and other elements supply obstacles, continuous cropping obstacles and other problems leading to serious soil quality degradation and vegetable quality decline, the following fertilization principles are proposed:

(1) Rational application of organic fertilizer (recommended use of plant-derived organic compost) to adjust the amount of NPK fertilizer; non-calcium soil and acid soil need to be supplemented with trace elements such as calcium, magnesium and boron;

(2) Rationally distribute chemical fertilizer according to crop yield, sorghum and soil fertility conditions, most of the phosphorus fertilizer application, nitrogen and potassium fertilizer application; it is not suitable for frequent topdressing in the early stage of growth, and pay attention to post-flowering and late-stage topdressing;

(3) Combined with drip fertigation technology, adopting the principle of “small number of times”;

(4) The old shed with soil degradation needs to return the straw to the field or apply the organic fertilizer with high C/N ratio, reduce the application of poultry manure, increase the number of rotations, and achieve the purpose of eliminating soil salinization and reducing the obstacles of continuous cropping;

(5) When the acidification of the soil is serious, an acidic soil conditioner such as lime should be applied in an appropriate amount.

2. Fertilization advice

(1) The seedling fertilizer is added to apply the decomposed organic fertilizer and the phosphate fertilizer is applied. 60-100 kg of poultry manure per 10 m2 of seedbed, 0.5-1 kg of calcium, magnesium and phosphate fertilizer, 0.5 kg of potassium sulfate, and spraying 0.05%-0.1% urea solution 1~2 times according to the seedling condition;

(2) 4 yuan/mu of high-quality organic fertilizer applied to base fertilizer;

(3) The production level is 8000-10000 kg/mu, the nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 20-25 kg/mu, the phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 8-15 kg/mu, and the potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 20-30 kg/mu;

(4) The production level is 6000-8000 kg/mu, the nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 18-22 kg/mu, the phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 6-8 kg/mu, and the potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 18-22 kg/mu;

(5) The production level is 4000-6000 kg/mu, the nitrogen fertilizer (N) is 15-18 kg/mu, the phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) is 5-7 kg/mu, and the potassium fertilizer (K2O) is 15-18 kg/mu.

When the soil pH of the vegetable field is less than 6, the calcium, magnesium and boron are easily deficient. The base can be applied with lime (calcium fertilizer) 50-75 kg/mu, magnesium sulfate (magnesium fertilizer) 4-6 kg/mu, and the root can be applied 2~ 3 times 0.1% boron fertilizer.

More than 70% of the phosphate fertilizer is used as the base fertilizer strip (point), and the rest is applied with the compound fertilizer, 20%~30% of the nitrogen and potassium fertilizer base, 70%~80% after the flowering to the ear expansion period, 4 to 8 times with the water. Shi, each time the application of nitrogen fertilizer (N) does not exceed 5 kg / mu. If drip irrigation and fertilization techniques are used, the topdressing is carried out at intervals of 7 to 10 days in the flowering and fruiting period, the fruiting period and


Contact: Mr. Ma

Phone: +86-13333670044

Tel: +86-13333670044

Email: [email protected]

Add: Fine Chemical Industry Park, Jianan District, Xuchang, Henan, China