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How to control the temperature and time of rice soaking and disinfection

The soaking process of rice is the water-absorbing process of seeds. After the seeds absorb water, the activity of seed enzymes begins to rise. Under the action of enzyme activity, the endosperm starch gradually dissolves into sugar, releasing the nutrients needed for radicle, germ and hypocotyl. So how to control the temperature and time of rice soaking disinfection?


1. Control of soaking time:

Usually, the soaking and disinfection of the medicament are carried out at the same time, and the temperature control is required to satisfy both the soaking and germination requirements, and the sterilization requirements and the external temperature conditions at the time of operation. If the seeding factor is considered alone, the water temperature is 30 ° C - 2 days soaked, 20 ° C - 3-4 days soaked, 15 ° C - 5-6 days soaked, 10 ° C - 7-9 days soaked. If the sterilization effect is considered alone, the temperature disinfection effect above 15 °C is the most ideal.

However, comprehensive consideration, practice verification, usually soaking water temperature in the range of 11-12 ° C, soaking seeds 7-9 days is more appropriate, to meet the 85-100 ° C accumulated temperature conditions is ideal.

2, master the "low temperature soaking" reason

At relatively low temperatures, the seed germination is very slow, it can absorb the water, and the water is evenly distributed. Then, it is heated and germinated at the starting point of the same germination, so that the germination is neat. At the same time, the material consumption is low at low temperature, and the dry weight of the seedlings is heavier, which is conducive to the cultivation and growth. Therefore, there is a "low temperature soaking".

The first reason is that the temperature is too low, which has an adverse effect on the effectiveness of the disinfection of the medicament to prevent and cure the disease and rice blast. Usually relatively high temperature, the disinfection effect of the drug is good; at the same time, the temperature is too low, the seed soaking time is too long, more than 10 days, due to grain germination and germination, the chaff is broken, creating conditions for the invasion of the bacteria, and the starch inside the seed is advanced. Conversion to maltose and glucose can cause a weak phenomenon.

If the large-cylinder indoor soaking is used, the temperature requirements are basically met. If the temperature is low, the appropriate hot water temperature adjustment can meet the requirements. However, it should be noted that the addition of water must be accompanied by soaking herbs.

The second reason is that the temperature is too high and the soaking time is shortened, which is beneficial to disinfection, but causes the rice to absorb uneven water and the germination is not neat.

If the soaking is selected in a greenhouse, cover the shading net to control the temperature rise in the greenhouse.


Contact: Mr. Ma

Phone: +86-13333670044

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Add: Fine Chemical Industry Park, Jianan District, Xuchang, Henan, China